Villa María Lodge – Week 9: February 27th to March 6th, 2022
As expected last week, this week the autumn showers appeared and changed slightly the scenario. By mid-week, we had and slight raise in the water but it stayed clean with very little debris floating in the water column the same day we had a powerful overnight rain and that water will probably show up at the beginning of the next fishing week.
Aside from that, the weather remained calm and friendly, with mild temperatures and soft winds. So with these fishing conditions and in line with last week’s conditions, we were able to try a big number of techniques. And again, single-hand rods rigged with floating lines and tiny nymphs were as effective as more traditional setups when they were fished correctly and in the right spot.
Of course, we did use more traditional systems with sinking tips ranging from 10 to 15 feet in length with sinking rates from a classic Sink 3 to the heavier T lines, like T11 in a range of 10 to 12 ft. depending on the pool, speed of the water and size/weight of the fly.
There are no big surprises in the flies used. nymphs, rubber legs, and green machines were the first options due to the water level, clarity, and mild weather.
The highlight of the week was the performance of Eric and Douglas, which made their first visit to the Rio Grande and they got their biggest trouts even with several fish in the range of 16 to 21 lbs. Congratulations guys! We hope to see you next season.
Probably next week we will see some changes in the river level and water clarity and the game will be different.
Largest fish of the week: 21 lbs.
Total Average Weight: 10,75 lbs.
For current updates from the river, be sure to follow our social media accounts (@villamarialodge and @nervous_waters).
By Alejandro Martello – Villa María Lodge Fishing Manager